위트머, 700억 달러 미시간 예산에 서명

Michigan Korean Weekly

무엇이 남고 무엇이 사라질 것인가?   [주간미시간=김택용 기자] 미시간 주지사 그레첸 위트머는 29일 그녀가 ‘극도의 초당적’ 예산 계획이라고 부르는 예산안에 서명했다. 하지만 공화당이 삽입한 논란의 여지가 있는 COVID-19 및 낙태 관련 조항에는 거부권을 행사했다. 이로 인해 민주당은 부분적 정부 폐쇄 이틀 전에 주정부 장부의 균형을 잡을 수 있었다. 7월에 서명한 170억 달러의 K-12 교육 법안과 […]

한울, 태극마을 방문 추석선물 전달

Michigan Korean Weekly

19일 회장배 골프대회 열고 조성된 기금으로 [주간미시간=김택용 기자] 자영업자와 회사원으로 구성된 한울 골프그룹이 추석을 맞아 훈훈한 소식을 전해왔다. 한울은 19일 회장배로 열린 골프 대회에서 조성된 기금으로 태극 마을에 계신 연장자들을 위해 정성스런 추석 도시락을 전달했다. 100인분이 준비된 도시락에는 방앗간에서 직접 맞춘 시루떡, 절편, 고기 요리등이 들어 갔다. 도시락 앞면에는 “항상 건강하시고 행복하세요”라고 쓰여진 카드도 들어있었다. […]

Michigan to close high schools, colleges, bars for 3 weeks as COVID spikes

MI Asian

LANSING — Michigan will shut indoor bars, restaurant dining rooms, high school classrooms and colleges for three weeks starting Wednesday as part of a new push to fight the surging coronavirus. Under a sweeping new order from Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Director Robert Gordon, high school sports and group fitness classes will also be cancelled, while movie theaters, bowling…

Asian Pacific American Caucus Celebrates Vice President-Elect Harris

MI Asian

LANSING, Mich. — Today, the Michigan Asian Pacific American Legislative Caucus released the following statement on the historic election of President-elect Joseph Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Devi Harris. The daughter of Shyamala Gopalan Harris, an Indian immigrant, Harris will be the first Black, female, Indian American and Asian American elected to the office of vice president: “The historic nature…

Chinese Americans in Michigan under Trump administration and COVID-19

MI Asian

By Frances Kai-Hwa Wang The 48th annual gala of Association of Chinese Americans/ OCA Detroit opened this year with a video of last year’s gala, with pictures of many beautiful people dressed up in fancy clothes and sitting together around banquet tables in a large hotel ballroom. This was in stark contrast to this year’s gala, which was held virtually…

Immigrant from India provides invaluable IT solutions for State of Michigan

Office of Global Michigan celebrates immigrant contributions to state’s success during Welcoming Week, Sept. 13-20 LANSING, Mich. – Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life. That pretty much sums up the career and work ethic of Ram Kumar Kantamneni. When the 45-year-old solutions architect with the Michigan Department of Technology Management…

Wayne County’s Freedom Village to Help Resettle Refugees in Hamtramck

Program leverages federal funds to provide housing to immigrants and refugees Hamtramck —Wayne County is partnering with Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency, Samaritas and the city of Hamtramck as part of Freedom Village, a resettlement program designed to provide refugees and immigrants with transitional affordable housing. Funded with federal housing dollars, construction of three two-family homes in Hamtramck is already…

City of Detroit Immigration Task Force and United States Citizenship & Immigration Services to host Annual Naturalization Ceremony on May 24th

The City of Detroit will commemorate new Americans during the annual Naturalization Ceremony, which will be hosted by the Immigration Task Force in collaboration with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. This event will take place at the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center on Friday, May 24th, from 10:00am-12:00pm. “The naturalization ceremony is always an emotional experience – we…

‘We Need Numbers to Tell Our Story’ – Reversing Census Undercount in Indian Country

MI Asian

With the 2020 Census approaching, California Native American media met with state officials in Sacramento to discuss ways to ensure a more accurate count. SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Fear, distrust and even anger at the federal government are among the obstacles the 2020 Census must overcome to reach an accurate count, especially of immigrants and communities of color, most experts agree.…