New Michigan Media is…
Hayg Oshagan is the founder and Executive Director of New Michigan Media (NMM), the network of minority media, which aims to raise the visibility, enrich the content and strengthen the viability of minority media in Michigan.
The Board of NMM comprises the publishers of the region’s largest African American, Arab, Jewish, Latino and Asian newspapers, allowing a combined reach of over 140,000, and providing key leadership in their communities. Beyond the Board, NMM is also the connection between the 140+ minority media outlets across Michigan, which represent hundreds of thousands of minority readers, viewers and listeners across the state.
For over 10 years, the non-profit NMM has led various journalism initiatives, newsmaker briefings, conferences, workshops, convenings, provided an ethnic news server and created an ethnic and minority media directory. Most recently, NMM assisted in statewide outreach efforts to Michigan’s minority communities with the U.S. Census, COVID-19, the Paycheck Protection Program, and Michigan’s new redistricting process.
NMM has been generously supported and funded by grants, including from the Michigan Nonprofit Association, the State of Michigan, the Knight Foundation, The Ford Foundation and The Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan, among others.
A Word from the Director

“The ethnic media are the mortar in the bricks of the community structure and are essential for a community to establish itself. New Michigan Media is committed to building bridges among ethnic, minority and immigrant communities, to creating new opportunities, and making Michigan a better place for everyone.”
Dr. Hayg Oshagan
Director, New Michigan Media
Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Communication, Wayne State University
Why New Michigan Media is important?
“Southeast Michigan’s ethnic, minority and foreign-born entrepreneurs are key to the region’s long-term revitalization and future economic growth and ignite the overall entrepreneurial spirit of the region.
The ethnic and minority media partnership (New Michigan Media) is the ideal platform to showcase Southeast Michigan’s ethnic, immigrant and minority communities as catalysts for economic renewal and growth.”
— David Egner, Executive Director.
New Economy Initiative of SE MI, Hudson-Webber Foundation